Wild Indigo Arts Philosophy

Behind every act of creativity, there is an essence or Spirit. Just as there is an inherent Intelligence to Nature, there is an opportunity for humans to better understand themselves. Wild Indigo Arts studies the multi-dimensional qualities of consciousness that invites humans to expand, thrive and flourish with new ideas, possibilities and awakenings. ​
Through a deep and enriching practice of creativity, imagination and self-reflection, students are guided to learn about themselves, their relationships and renew awareness about the wondrous world around them.
Wild Indigo Arts is a progressive philosophy of education that combines art education, art therapy, sacred healing arts, inquiry-based curriculum, transpersonal psychology and contemplative practices with shamanic principles such as animism and the deep ancient wisdom that everything in our Universe is alive.
In an educational system that has largely relied on mental agility, Wild Indigo Arts offers a refreshing and holistic approach to living in full creative expression where imagination, awe, wonder and discovery are paramount. Wild Indigo Arts is an expansion experience for humans of all ages to develop with new possibility, inspiration and clarity of expression.
Participants will be guided to explore their unique values, passions, desires, dreams and relationships through creative endeavors and natural phenomena. The program curates curriculum towards the client or groups interests in authentic expression within visual arts, music, writing, sacred earth medicines, dance/movement, play, spiritual connection, Nature education, meditation, philosophy and more.
We are living through a time of collective human awakening where Western educated humans are beginning to recognize new energies and invitations to understand ancient wisdom and Eastern philosophies. This transmutation of cosmic oneness is happening on a global scale. Wild Indigo Arts is aligned in this progressive movement towards our unified collective. Wild Indigo Arts invites the co-creation of energetics in connection with the Spirit world.

Wild Indigo Arts Curriculum:
Some Core Questions in the Wild Indigo Arts Curriculum:
Who Am I? and What is the "I"?
Why am I here? What is my unique Soul purpose?
What is my masculine and feminine expression?
What is my imagination revealing?
What is the language of my Creative spirit?
What are my dreams, sleep and altered states telling me?
What are the possibilities in connecting with my ancestors?
How do I build a bridge between my conscious and subconscious parts?
How do I build a relationship with my Higher Self?
How can I know my Self more intimately?
Where, when and from what sources does my Creativity flow?
How can I bring creative living into my everyday activities?
What kind of world do I want to live in?
How do I begin to manifest my deepest desires?
How do I create my reality?
How do I create from my heart, body and spirit?
How do I use my imagination to manifest new possibilities?